Part Two - Games & Activities to Work on Perspective Taking

Part Two - Games & Activities to Work on Perspective Taking

What is perspective taking? It’s the ability to take another person’s point of view. This is a building block towards empathy. There are lots of different teachable moments that can happen in day to day life where you can talk about different perspectives people have on the same situation. There are also several games and activities you can play with children and teens to help them practice the art of walking in someone else’s shoes.

Part One - Games & Activities to Work on Perspective Taking

Part One - Games & Activities to Work on Perspective Taking

What is perspective taking? It’s the ability to take another person’s point of view. This is a building block towards empathy. There are lots of different teachable moments that can happen in day to day life where you can talk about different perspectives people have on the same situation. There are also several games and activities you can play with children and teens to help them practice the art of walking in someone else’s shoes.

Video Games CAN help Families Connect!

Video Games CAN help Families Connect!

On this episode of the podcast, I share a bit about my experiences growing up playing video games with my siblings, continuing to play as an adult, and now as a parent. Digital play is a part of our day to day lives - it has been acknowledged as a type of play. There are social skills you get a chance to practice when you play certain games, including working together, practicing conversations, and even executive functioning skills.

Four Games I Love That Work on Social Skills

Four Games I Love That Work on Social Skills

Playing board games is a fantastic way to work on social skills for kids. As a therapist, I play a lot of games both in individual and group therapy. As a mom, I also enjoy playing games with my kids. During this podcast episode, I talk about four games I love:

Creativity and Imaginative Play

Creativity and Imaginative Play

Play advocates often talk about the importance of open ended play, open ended play materials and having play be child led instead of adult led. There is a popular theory called Loose Parts was developed by Simon Nicholson in 1971.

Open Ended Play, Loose Parts, and Playdates

Open Ended Play, Loose Parts, and Playdates

Play advocates often talk about the importance of open ended play, open ended play materials and having play be child led instead of adult led. There is a popular theory called Loose Parts was developed by Simon Nicholson in 1971.

Encouraging Kindness at Home and School

Encouraging Kindness at Home and School

As a school counselor, I was always looking for ways to improve the school climate. There was a lot of talk about bullying prevention, and figuring out what sorts of programs worked. 

A Visual Activity to Help Kids Understand the Power of Their Words

A Visual Activity to Help Kids Understand the Power of Their Words

I love using this intervention with children to help them visually see the impact that words can have on others. This activity can be used at home or at school.

8 Tips for a Successful Playdate

8 Tips for a Successful Playdate

Playdates for kids who struggle socially, when done thoughtfully, offer an opportunity for kids to practice social skills and have a positive interaction with another child.

Why I Love Playdates!

Why I Love Playdates!

The play date has been getting some negative press, with people listing all the things they don’t like about them. There are pros and cons to everything, so I decided to explain why I appreciate play dates.

Think Outside the (Cardboard) Box

Think Outside the (Cardboard) Box

A cardboard box (shoe boxes, amazon boxes, small boxes, etc) is the perfect thing to use to help kids think flexibly, be creative, and set the groundwork for problem solving.

Board Games, Card Games, and Social Skills

Board Games, Card Games, and Social Skills

On today’s episode, my focus is all games. I talk about all the different social skills kids practice when they play board games and card games. Did you know that by simply playing a game, kids work on…

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