Random Acts of Kindness: Donating Books to the Library

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One of my New Year’s Resolutions for my family was to do some random acts of kindness. I want my kids to understand the importance of being kind and helping others. I also want them to learn to be contributing and thoughtful members of society. Using books is a fantastic way to start the conversation about doing random acts of kindness during the year.

Here are some amazing books about kindness:

Here are some more articles with tons of books all about kindness:

Read Brightly - Books about Kindness

We are Teachers - Picture Books about Kindness

In our home, we love to read. One of our favorite activities is going to our local library. It has a great children’s section, with a huge selection of books, fun toys and a puppet theater. Our librarians are fantastic. My daughter was quite excited last year when she could write her name because it meant she could get her own library card! We like to go, connect with other kids and families while we are there and get some different books to read for the next couple of weeks.

I was noticing we have some doubles of books here and some books are getting to be too young for our kids. We went through the kids bookshelf and gathered up a box of books. As a family, we brought the books to the library and donated them. I spoke with them about giving back to a place that has been so great for us and our family. We can help other people enjoy books too!

After we dropped off the book donation, we went upstairs to the children’s section and took out some more books, of course :-)

 Have you ever done a random act of kindness?

Act of Kindness Donating Books.png


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