Building Friendships and Social Skills with Caroline Maguire


Friendships are such a wonderful and special part of life. From memory making to going through the highs and lows with your peers makes life so much richer. As a child, learning social skills and how friendships fit is a huge learning curve as they go through their childhood and find their ‘people’. As a parent, how do you connect and how do you teach your kids basic social skills and about what a great friendship can be? 

Today Janine is joined by Caroline Maguire and in this episode they discuss:

  • The importance of friendship 

  • How as a parent you connect with your child

  • Talking about your friendships as part of teaching social skills 

  • Being a social spy 

  • What you want out of a friendship

  • The power of role play games

  • Resilience and friendship

  • The myths around best friends

  • How Caroline rests and relaxes

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